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Up, up and away


Every time I think of hot air balloons, I immediately visualize of the scene from Up, where the house is whimsically lifted into the air with hundreds of balloons. There's something truly magical about these floating giants, and this weekend I had the chance to see them in person. Waking up at 4am, my sister, George and I drove to Hudson, MA to see the 11th Annual Hudson-Concord Elks Balloon Festival for the first time. The whole experience was surreal as we were able to stand right next to the balloons as they were set up, inflated, and ascended into the air. It truly was something I've never seen before, and an unforgettable experience I highly recommend.

While the morning ascension was smaller than the afternoon blues festival, there were still three vibrant balloons for guests to photograph, interact with the balloonists and try out tethered balloon rides. Overall the entire event was really well organized and family friendly. If you ever have the chance to see a balloon festival, it's completely worth waking up early to witness the balloons gliding in the air during sunrise. Check out some of the pictures from the event below!

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