This vibrant and festive margarita is inspired by the classic Christmas movie, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. With his nose so bright, the hues will add a beautiful touch to any holiday celebration. I also love any type of margarita, so making a more summery tequila into a winter cocktail was a fun challenge - which I ended up pairing with citrus and a home made cranberry simple syrup then garnished with a rosemary sprig for a Christmas tree inspired look.
Cranberry Simple Syrup
1/2 bag of cranberries
1 cup water
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup of cranberry juice
1 shot tequila
1 shot Triple Sec
1 shot orange juice
1 shot cranberry simple syrup
2x limes, juiced
Salt for rim
Rosemary for garnish
Cranberries for garnish
For your cranberry sample syrup, boil equal parts water and sugar with your cranberries. When you hear the cranberries pop while the water is boiling, mash with a wooden spoon to help the flavors open up. Set aside too cool.
Place salt on a plate. Rim a short glass with a lime wedge, then flip the cup upside down and in a circular motion cover the rim with salt. Set aside. Repeat for a second glass.
Pour all your liquid ingredients into a shaker with ice. Shake.
Next, pour the cocktail into 2x salted glasses. Garnish with a rosemary sprig.