I'm sure we can all recognize that 2020 has really changed the way we celebrate holidays, but honestly I truly believe it's helped us recenter and think about how to focus on the special people in our lives. While Halloween isn't a major holiday, I still love enjoying the season and actual day of Halloween because it brings a sense of nostalgia.
This year, George and I decided to choose matching pajamas as our costume and a relaxing way to enjoy Halloween movies (hello Hocus Pocus!) while curling up in my backyard surrounded by a festive balloon arch and pumpkins.
No matter how you choose to celebrate Halloween - tricks or treats - I'm excited to share a few pajama recommendations we looked into! We ended up choosing the skeleton ones, and they are truly so comfortable. Stores such as Target, Old Navy and Hannah Anderson are great places to start, with easy online ordering or for Target, curbside pick up so you can cozy up on Halloween night with your family, friends or roommates!

Target | Pumpkin Matching Family Pajama Set
Hannah Anderson | Jack O'Lanterns
Old Navy | Halloween Pajamas